Rebecca and Mark's Wedding | California Pennsylvania Taiwan |
The Wedding of Rebecca Shen and Mark Fussell (California) | |
Rebecca Yin-Shi Shen and Mark Lewis Fussell were married on July Second, Nineteen hundred and ninety nine. The ceremony and main reception were held at Kohl Mansion in Burlingame California. It was a beautiful day, which allowed the ceremony and hors d'oeuvres to be outside. California PhotosHere are some of the photos from the main ceremony and reception in California.Ceremony
The ceremony (PDF) was officiated by Reverend Edwin Holt. Mark and Rebecca exchanged the following vows Mark's VowsRebecca, please join me in life as my partner, my lover, my friend and my wife. I cherish the relationship that we have found together and wish to make it last for an eternity. I promise to continually discover who you are and help you to fulfill your needs, your goals, and your dreams. I also promise to reveal myself to you, so you can see into my heart and assist me with my dreams. I believe that together we can become our best selves and I will strive to make that happen. I will always stand beside you with an open heart as we journey through life together. Rebecca's VowsMark, I promise before God, our families, and our friends,, to be your loving wife,, to continue to be your loyal friend,, and to be an equal partner for life. I promise to give you my deepest love and respect,, and to willingly open my heart to you, as a sanctuary of warmth and peace, and a refuge of love and strength. I will honor your goals and dreams, and promise to help you fulfill them. I pledge to you my trust, support, and honesty, as we journey through life together. Both Rebecca and Mark survived the ceremony and each added a ring to their finger. MusicDuring dinner Beatrice Lam gave the first toast and would soon follow that by encouraging others (Hod, Shang, Patrick, Larry)
to go back in time to (sometimes) even before Mark and Rebecca had even met.
Taymin Liu (Rebecca's third Shen aunt) gave a very nice and very appreciated
toast welcoming Mark into the highly discriminating Shen family.
Mark welcomed everyone to the celebration, was honored to be able to join Rebecca's families, and thanked those people (especially Bea and Geoffrey) that made the day possible. This was followed by a toast to the most special group he knows (PDF).
Rebecca and Mark