Maya Maya Pictures: Set 3 | Previous Next |
Month 10 | Maya is big enough now to pack herself | Month 10 |
Month 10 | Maya starts her critical listening phase | Month 10 |
Month 10 | Grandma, Maya, and Muti | Month 10 |
Month 10 | Many jobs: Grandma, Maya, and Muti | Month 10 |
Month 10 | Ragetty Anne and Maya | Month 10 |
Month 10 | Riding the devil dog (Muti and Maya) | Month 10 |
Month 10 | Sit Muti! Sit! … Drool Muti! Drool! … Good dog. | Month 10 |
Month 11 | Whats up? | Month 11 |
Month 11 | Nothing's gonna stoppa me now | Month 11 |
Maya Maya Pictures: Set 3 | Previous Next |